Privacy Policy

Data Privacy Policy of Vino Tasting

Globle S.r.l,, Via Del Gomitolo dell'Oro 11R, 50123 Firenze, Italy.

Document Update History

Document initiation - 18-01-2024

Introduction to the Policy

Our company “Vino Tasting” commits to the protection of all data we come across which impacts the privacy and security that relates to you.

This Privacy Policy would emphasize our practices regarding the collection, use, and sharing of your data in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Collection of Information and the purpose for collection by Vino Tasting

Vino Tasting would collect and process personal data for the following purposes:

  • Customer or Client personal information for registration purposes
    • Name of the customer to individually identify the person.
    • Contact information of the customer (Mailing or postal address, email address, phone number)
    • Date of birth of the customer to verify the age of the client.
  • Service reservation details
    • Reservation details of the date and time.
  • Communication preference for internal marketing purposes:
    • Email preferences and consent of usage for internal marketing purposes.
    • Sending internal promotional offers, newsletters, and updates subject to the individual's consent for receiving such.
  • Offering services of Vino Tasting and use of cookies
    • Managing reservations for wine tasting to their clients.
    • Recording wine-tasting experiences of the individuals.
    • Vino Tasting will use anonymous statistical data for business and marketing decision-making which will not disclose any of your identification details through deployment of appropriate cookies.
  • To meet legal and Compliance requirements
    • Complying with rising legal obligations.
    • Verification of the age to meet alcoholic beverage sales subject to conditions as applicable.

Need for Holding, Sharing Data, and Data Disclosure

  • Vino Tasting will hold or store your data for a stipulated period to meet any legal or compliance requirements. However, at present, we would hold your data as long as you wish to maintain the business relationship with us and thereafter for a period of six months.
  • Vino Tasting will not share your data for any reason with any third party of Vino Tasting for any reason.
  • However, Vino Tasting would be bound by legal and compliance requirements to share your information if demanded by any law enforcement agency.

Meeting Information Security Controls

  • Vino Tasting would use and implement the most appropriate technical measures combined with the best possible operational practice measures to ensure the security of your data. These technological measures would include enforcement of access controls to the best practice on its information systems to prevent unauthorized access to the information systems. Use of encryption as appropriate on the sensitive information of an individual stored within the information systems of Vino Tasting.
  • Vino Tasting would conduct periodic assessments of its information security posture to assess the adequacy of the level of controls and identify possible control gaps for suitable remediation with the assistance of its information security service-providing partners.
  • Vino Tasting adopts the recommended best practices in line with ISO 27001 information security controls across the entire organization related to IT operations and other activities where information and information systems are involved.

Understanding your rights for your information we hold

Vino Tasting understands that you have the right to initiate the following action on the information we hold.

  • You have the right to assure yourself what information of yours is in our possession. However, this request shall be backed by the appropriate prudence of yourself to Vino Tasting.
  • You also have the right to request any updating or correction if such information is found to be incorrect or inappropriate at any time. However, this requires additional controls of the verification process to ensure the appropriateness and legal validity of the information before accepting such changes.
  • Subject to proving the obsoleteness of the purpose for holding your data anymore, you have the right to request an assurance that Vino Tasting no longer holds your data within its information systems unless any information is deemed necessary to hold for future marketing purposes or legal and compliance purposes.
  • You also have the right to request a change of choices on holding your data for marketing purposes and receipt of any marketing material from Vino Tasting.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

  • We at Vino Tasting would reserve the right to update this existing Privacy Policy to reflect possible changes impacting the business context of the organization, legal, or compliance aspects.
  • Therefore, We at Vino Tasting would encourage you to periodically review this policy. However, any major change to this policy would be notified in general to all of its clients through appropriate means.

Consenting to our privacy policy

By using our offered services, you would consent and agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Further clarification of our privacy policy

In a situation where you may come across any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please reach us through the mentioned contact email/phone numbers clearly mentioning your concern.

Contact Us

For questions about this Privacy Policy

By email:

Visit our Contact Page

By phone: +390553897295

By mail: Vino Tasting Globle S.r.l, Via Del Gomitolo dell'Oro 11R, 50123 Firenze, Italy.